Probably, the following list of do's and don'ts will be helpful. Another thing! The following tips are exclusive for women, though many things are suitable for a man also. In few days, I will come with some lines for men on this issue.
Gel for Oily : Choose a cleanser which may absorb this sticky stuff on your face to make it a bit drier. As a result you will not see the dust making layers on your face. Use gel-cleansers.
Cream for Drier : For the drier type, creamy cleansers carrying a certain proportion of minerals and moisturizing elements should be applied. The shopkeeper can help you buy the best product.
Say No to Dr. Chemical : Sometimes, you may feel irritated seeing the excessive oil-flow on your skin. It doesn't mean that you will buy something which promises to remove the oil better than any other products. Beware! It may contain highly toxic elements. These chemicals will squeeze out everything, not only oil, from the skin only to make it look more pale and weaker. They may cause acne etc.
Overuse Never Works : No way you are allowed to apply cleansers excessively. Apply in limits. Neither enough in quantity nor much in frequency. Applying once a day works. Twice in the special cases!
Keep a Tab On the Season : Never forget to apply moisturizers after you wash off the facial cleansers. Do it, even if it is summers. However, in winters you must replace it with a cream based facial cleanser. It works fine.
Keep Irritation at Bay : Many products with great smell are available in the market. They use a lot of artificial elements to give good-smell and fragrant. They may be allergic and cause itching and irritation. Avoid them.
Be on Time : While applying a face cleanser, you are not supposed to be in haste. Not too relaxed either! Don't wash it off your face too soon after applying. However, don't leave it for too long also. In both cases the benefits minimize.
Make it Clean and Wet : Before applying it, you are supposed to give your face some splashes of not-so-cold water. A wet face is needed to apply cleanser. Even wash your hands neatly. On the other hand use lukewarm water to remove the cleanser.
Hop Over the Soap : To get the maximum benefits out of your facial cleansers, never use a soap to clean your face. It cuts down the improvements and may cause wrinkles and linings on your face.
Keep an Eye Over the Eyes : While applying the moisturizer or the cleanser itself, don't allow them to creep into your eyes. It may invite serious damage and irritation.
Toners Come Midway : This is important to get the maximum result. When you remove the cleanser, please use a toner to derive the best of this cleaning process. Though your cleanser cleans your face greatly, the toner wipes the dirt completely if left any. Also, a face moisturizer must be used only when a toner has been used.
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