Aug 20, 2008

Body Piercing or Body Perishing?

Probably, the trend of body piercing is as old as our organized human civilization itself. According to some history experts the prevalence of this trend can be dated back to three millenniums ago. In 1991, the discovery of an “iceman” mummy with his ears pierced, on the border of Italy can be a proof.

But according to the medical experts, despite its acceptance as a symbol of individual expression, its side effects can be millenniums old too. The careless and unadvised embracing of body piercing can be fatal and hazardous to the health of your skin, in some cases to your tissues too.

The pierced part of skin develops an irritating itching or scratches. In some cases infections and allergies too. It all happens when we put on low quality jewelry and don't allow to heal the pierced part. The reasons can be many and so many can be complications.

The simple itching may turn into swollen, bleeding and smelly boils only to scare you. So, before this symbol of individual expression turns into a symbol of “individual irritation”, we must be careful about certain aspects while getting our body parts pierced.

First of all, make sure that the piercing tools used by the professional is sterilized and bacteria free. Tell him to clean the ”part-to-be-pierced” with care, most necessarily with a medicated soap. If the cleaning of tools and the skin part is not done properly, it may harm the skin as well the tissues beneath.

Though the jewelry made of nickel and cobalt etc. are cheapest and look stunning, they are more likely to instigate threatening and skin damaging allergies, if put in the holes. It is best to use gold jewelry. Fashion jewelry made of stainless steel too can be free from any ailment. However, silver jewelry should be avoided when the skin has just got pierced.

In case you feel even a slight itching, irrespective of the jewelry type, please throw off the jewelry first. Then, consult a dermatologist or a skin specialist. Most probably, he may apply a cortisone cream over the infected area and leave it for healing.

When it gets healed, the jewelery, not a nickel one, may be used again. Hopefully, if you pay little attention in this regard, your piercing craze will not leave you to perish.

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